Review 0000000004700


How would you rate this item?

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What do you think of this item?

I have one of these and am very happy with it.
I have one of these and am reasonably happy with it.
I have one these and am less than pleased with it.
I do not have one of these but would like to own one.
I do not have one of these and would not like to own one.

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How would you describe the quality of this item?

Excellent Quality.
Good Quality.
Average Quality.
Poor Quality.

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How would you describe the desirability of this item?

Highly desirable.
Very desirable.
Quite desirable.
Not very desirable.
No idea why anybody would want one!

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Would you buy one of these?

Yes no doubt about it!
Yes but only if it was cheaper.
Yes but there are none available.
No never!
I already have one.

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Where would you prefer to shop for one of these?

Any online store.
In the high street.
Direct from the manufacturer.
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